jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

A song for Haiti

The song "Everybody Hurts" of American alternative rock band REM was covered by 21 artists to raise funds for earthquake victims in Haiti.

Recorded in Los Angeles and London, the music video with the participation of stars such as Rod Stewart, Robbie Williams, Jon Bon Jovi, Mika, James Blunt, Susan Boyle and Cheryl Cole of Girls Aloud.

The video for the song, which can be downloaded on the Internet, was made available to users on Sunday and is expected to raise funds to help victims of the earthquake last January 12.

The video shows the vocalists in the recording studio, while interspersed images of men, women and children in Haiti dead and wounded, in addition to the devastation of the earthquake.

The quake of 7.0 degrees on the Richter scale killed over 200,000 people, according to latest data provided by the Haitian authorities.

he five-minute promotional video and a half begins with a statement which recalls the events of 12 January.
Also CD

It has also released the song in mp3 form under the heading "Helping Haiti" is now on the top of iTunes and Amazon, according to their lists of what users are downloading. You can also get CDs in stores from Monday.

A spokesman for the HMV UK store network, Gennaro Castaldo said: "The song 'Everybody Hurts' single disc entitled 'Helping Haiti', you can become comfortable in the first place and dominate the charts in the coming weeks."

He added that "perhaps we are seeing not only the most famous song, 2010, but possibly one of the best releases in the last ten years."

REM, who recorded the original song in 1992, ceded all their rights.

A song for Haiti

Haiti was a country that suffered greatly this year by the earthquake, many families whit children die, and many diseases.

The society in the world was very important in the moment because all extended their hands, in the world the people has a big love for other persons, we talking for wars, terrorism but the most important in this world is the love... on this occasion we can observe how a group of people show their grief through song.

Is important know how many people "start" "celebrity" really have no interest in others and themselves.

I think we have to unite, as well as these characters did, all the more love we have to offer...
This song gives us a sense of togetherness, friendship, solidarity, respect, compassion, I believe that all these feelings are due to turn in an action by others.
All Time ....Love for the worl ...must always be so

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

The importancy the self steem

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, is one of the most important figures in the struggle against apartheid, the policy of exclusion that prevented black people go to the same places or use the same services as whites in South Africa. In fact, his activism against this racist policy led him to prison for nearly thirty years. It was after his release when Mandela became president of South Africa's first democratically elected under universal suffrage. to be democratically elected under universal suffrage.

In the movie but have not submitted their previous life if he has a memory When he was in prison, and where he and others performed hard labor in a lime quarry, Mandela, a prisoner of the lowest group of the classification, only was allowed one visitor and one letter every six months, but this was not because ningu PRECLUDE while Mandela was in prison he studied by correspondence through the external program at the University of London, obtained

"We are committed, to build a society in which all South Africans, black and white, are able to walk with my head high without fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity-a rainbow nation , at peace with itself and the world. "

With these words we can understand which was the goal I wanted to achieve MR Nelson and his people during his presidency.
The game of the movie you can relate to that Nelson RM tube join a computer (which was the town) so that they begin to play (fight together supporting each other) in a team where everyone was equal, without distinction for being black or white, struggling only for the right to walk with their heads held high without being Jusgara or belittled.
When Nelson and his country did this it was assumed that the game was won.
So I think that this story has many facts.



about me

Hello ...

My name is Anny Cabalceta, I belong Gunacaste, I'm 20 years old and studied dentistry at ULACIT am very happy of studying a very interesting professions like this, I love listening to music of all kinds but with a message, I like to play guitarra. Am a friendly person, I like talking to people to know and and me meet me too I also like sports such as soccer and volleyball, ok What? I do not like, do not like people who laugh evil of others, white worms scare me jajaja.en the future I want to be a good specialist dental maxillofacial… mmm this is me